North Yorkshire Council


Pension Board


24 October 2024


Work Programme


1.0       Purpose of the Report


To detail the areas of planned work by the Pension Board


2.0       Future Activity


            Previous reports to the Board have set out a number of areas that could be identified       as potential priority areas of work for Board Members to provide scoping reports to       subsequent meetings. At previous meetings it was suggested that consideration be      given as to how to progress project work more effectively before undertaking any           further projects. Further consideration will be given to this matter, going forward.


Resources would need to be available, via relevant officers, to assist Board Members with their approach to the development of projects subsequently identified.


3.0       Meeting Dates


            2024/25 – all Thursday at 10am


9th January 2025        

3rd April 2025


Proposed dates for 2025/26 – all Thursday at 10am


3rd July 2025

23rd October 2025

15th January 2026

2nd April 2026


4.0   Recommendations


That Members:


i)               Review and agree any updates to the Work Plan (as set out in Appendix 1);


ii)             Note the dates of ordinary meetings for 2024/25 and the proposed dates for 2025/26, as detailed.




Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall


Background Papers - None